If you are reading this article on Monday-9-July, you are not affected by the DNS changer virus. This Virus caused Up to 500,000 internet users to lose access, to prevent more damage to the Firm, the FBI blocks computers infected with virus.

As we know every domain name has an IP address and DNS helps to resolve the domain name to correct IP address. Which lets the malicious hacker to gain the username, passwords, and any sensitive information from the user easily.


You may wonder this blog is not about Security or technology blog, but we insure our readers and Facebook Fans should not be affected with this problem. For More Detail on DNSChanger:

Videos on Infographics

DNS Explained

The Importance of DNS

Infographics on DNS roundup

We collected some basic infographics on DNS part of the virus and vector illustrated infographics for inspiration.

Help Understanding DNS Lookups

helpunderstandingdnslookupsinfographicrackaid 4f6f3a363a980 w587 Infographics Roundup : What is DNS ? and Prevent DNSChanger

Browse more data visualizations.

Origins of the Internet and the Importance…

OriginsoftheInternetandtheImportanceofDNS 4ee7b6e16e9fb w587 Infographics Roundup : What is DNS ? and Prevent DNSChanger

Browse more data visualizations.

So you got some information on DNSchanger and information on DNS via infographics. If you think we left out any valid information – Share with us in the comment section.

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